why do we celebrate Republic Day in India
Image source: Know India website (knowindia.india.gov.in)

Why do we celebrate Republic Day? All about January 26


During School days, January and August used to be special months. Why? Because the vibe used to be different. Some groups were seen practising for the parade, some preparing for dance and group songs, others syncing their moves for lezim and dumbbells. On the D-Day, everyone would get those two laddus, or Parle-G biscuits. How nostalgic were those days. For August 15, we knew that India got independence, so the day was special. But why we celebrated January 26, we hardly knew the backstory. To begin with again, Why do we celebrate Republic Day? What was the significance of this day in the making of India? Here, we will address the doubts one by one. 

How is Republic Day celebrated in India?

The beginning of this blog gave a glimpse of how Republic Day is celebrated in Schools. Usually, that’s at School Level, Block Levels, or District Levels, as the case may be. You may also see special events conducted by the State authorities where the dignitaries hoist the National Flag, followed by some cultural events as well. What catches the eyes from across the country and even abroad is the event organized at the National Capital, i.e., New Delhi. It starts with the address of the President of India on the eve of Republic Day, that is January 25th. The following D-Day starts with parades at the Kartavya Path in New Delhi, glittering with India’s cultural heritage and military prowess. Every year, India’s Republic Day celebration at Delhi witnesses guests from different friendly countries across the world. The event is presided by the President of India, who also bestows bravery awards upon military personnel as well as citizens of India. The Republic Day celebrations conclude on January 29th with a special ceremony – “Beating the Retreat”.

Why do we celebrate Republic Day in India?

Now that we have read all about what actually happens, and how India celebrates every year on January 26th, it is significant to know the reason behind this national celebration. India became independent on August 15, 1947, and that is not at all a new piece of information. But since we were being ruled by the British, following their setup of government, their Judicial System, etc., it was time that we decided on our own. What the British allowed us became our rights, and what they restricted became our obligations. While we were declared a country free from Britishers, it was important that we had some grundnorm where Indians got some basic law, some rights, express laws to state the type of government for India, the hierarchy of Judicial System and Administration, and who decides what, to delineate powers in Union and Federal features.

Hence, a Constituent Assembly with Drafting Committees was formed under the chairmanship of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. There were detailed discussions on every word and phrase to decide what the Constitution of India was going to hold. When it was all drafted, it was time for Indians to give to ourselves the gift of the Constitution of India. The same was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on November 26, 1949, and some of the provisions came into force on this day. However, January 26, 1950 was designated as the day when the Indian Constitution came into force as a whole. Here, another question arises – why two dates, or being more specific, why January 26th and not only November 26 for the Constitution to come into force as a whole? 

Why do we celebrate Republic Day on January 26?

While the Constitution of India could be adopted and enforced on November 26, 1949, it was eventually decided to designate January 26th for the same. It was a gesture, an honour in respect of the fact that the Indian Congress had declared Purna Swaraj on January 26, 1930. The day signifies Indian National Congress announcing complete independence from British Rule. Thus, the day held a special place for attaining independence, and thus, January 26th was chosen as the day to adopt the Constitution of India and celebrate as republic Day. 

Video – Why do we celebrate Republic Day on Jan 26?

Why is India called a republic?

Before understanding why India is a republic, it is crucial to know what the term ‘Republic’ actually means. As per dictionary meaning, a republic is “a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated President rather than a monarch.” 

India is called a republic because with the advent of independence and adoption of the Constitution of India, it was declared that those in power will be elected by the people and of the people, rather than monarchy, a family lineage ruling India. It signified that while India became free from British rule, no scope was left for monarchs to overtake where the British left. India became on its own and sought to make governments from among the people only. 


With focus on all kinds of confusion around the significance of January 26th and Republic Day celebrations, we now know the reason behind why it is a grand celebration. It has been 75+ years since India adopted the Constitution of India, which stood the test of time, underwent more than 100 amendments so far, and still serves as the longest written Constitution across the world. Now that you know, share with your peers, friends and family the answer to “Why do we celebrate Republic Day on January 26?”.

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